Sunday, September 26, 2010

Waking Up and learning Japanese:)

Ohayo Goziamashita! I just woke up and its like 9 o clock, and I'm already bored!! I can tell it's going to be a really long day... anyway, I went to my friend Daniella's 13th birthday party. It was sooooooo fun! It was funny though cuz we had a tin foil war and we played Daniella's Next Top Model;) LOL there was a winner for Best walk, Best attitude, Best outfit and Best over all, I won best over all :)  Oh, and best eyes but ya, there were 8 girl there and they all were from my young life and wyld life andher mom is our leader :) it was cool but i think its funny were all friends and go to young life, anyway incase your wondering young life is part of my church group :)

Also I have found a potantial way to learn Japanese, I'm using something called Rocket Japanese I like it but im not sure it will teach me the stuff i need to know though :/ so ya..... Thats all! Sayonarra!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yummy Dinner Smell And Japan AFS!

Dinner smells yummy! I think it's eggs, pancakes and sausage but I can't tell.....? Alright, So these last few days me and my mom have been discussing things on Japan with my mom and dad (or okasan and otosan ;D) and they have been "discussing" on how I'm going to earn money for Japan..Turns out I have decide to be Babysitting, Raking, AND Dog Walking plus doing "extra" chores.... :/ It's going to be very, very, very interesting on seeing how that goes. We have settled that I'm going with AFS and I'm filling out my Plimanary App that has a $75 fee in a week! YAY! Also I have to find someway to learn Japanese! But I have to save money up because my trip costs around $13,000!!!!!!!! *faints* I have alot of work cut out for me! But I'll just Pray and see what God wants to happen!
                 -Allyssa <3

Monday, September 20, 2010

13th birthday party..... XD (Aug. 22nd, 2010)

Okay so heres the video of my birthday party and also im am going to start learning japanese soon XD!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School And Break-ups

Okay so I started school like 3 weeks ago and it was nice and fun but my boyfreinds go's to a different school then me and we NEVER get to see each other so....... He broke up with me recently and I was soooo sad! I cried but... I'm over it now (just a little) And school is doing great, I aced my science test and i did okay on my washington state history test. But im going to retake it, no big deal. so ya thats it also im proud to announce that last week my mom and dad and me were talking about me going to japan and OH YA!!!!!!! AS LONG AS I LEARN JAPANESE GET GOOD GRADES POSIBLY GET A SCHOLORSHIP IM GOING TO JAPAN!!!!!! XD!!!!!!! IM P\SOOOO HAPPY!!!! And my dads work might sponcer my trip when i go idk yet though its a huge IF. But also, i have to learn japanese before i am 15 and im 13 right now.... anyway ya... YYYAAAAAYYYY!!!!!