Saturday, January 15, 2011


Konnichiwa Mina-san!!!! Ogenki desu ka? ha ha, hey guys toady's Friday and I had a really good day:) I had an assembly and I don't know it was just amazing everyone seemed in a good mood and yeah lol :D I was watching blogs on YouTube just a minute ago and I was jelouse ha ha I can NOT wait to go on exchange in like 2 years! XDDDD I yeah my favourite color is green remeber that:)


  1. Konnichiwa~

    Gosh, I get so incredibly jealous watching vLogs (ToT) I want to go on exchange now, now, now!!!!

    If mi madre lets me go, I'll have about a 14 months (less than a year and a half)~ I remember when I was counting down from almost 3 years. Time really does fly by >.<

  2. I talked about how the time flys in my most recent post called a little update:)))
